Bargaining update

Your bargaining committee met with the Employer on 5 occasions since February.  Unfortunately, an agreement could not be reached therefore, we have filed for conciliation.

The next step is to hold a strike mandate vote which will take place on Monday June 20th.  Prior to the vote, information sessions will be held via Zoom to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed choice.  Meetings will be held in a drop in style taking place at 7am-9am, 2pm-4pm and 6pm-8pm.  Please make every effort to attend on of these sessions.

The results of the vote will be shared once the vote closes the night of June 20th.


  1. A big congratulations goes to our very own Recording Secretary, Brittany Nisbett who was acclaimed as the 3rd Vice President of CUPE Ontario (for a second term) at last week’s convention.  We are so proud of you Brittany and know that you will continue to do great things for our union!

Welcome to our new website


We’re excited to launch this new site, to help keep members informed about what’s going on in the locals.  Let us know if you’ve got any feedback, or if there’s anything in particular you’d like to see.