Bargaining FAQ
How will I be notified that job action has started?
Your bargaining and mobilization teams will keep you up to date with any activities including job action. Ensure your contact information is up to date including your personal phone number, personal email address, so we can provide you with regular voice mail updates.
What will be expected of you in the event of a strike?
In the event of a labour dispute, we will provide further direction.
All members will be expected to report for picket duty to receive their strike pay.
How will I be protected?
You cannot be disciplined for taking job action such as a strike.
Protections for job action apply to workers, regardless of status, this includes contract employees, probationary staff, and bargaining employees in temporary non-union roles.
How much strike pay will I receive?
If a full strike was necessary, more details will be available; the bargaining team will conduct membership meetings well in advance. Members will receive strike pay if they complete 20 hours of picket duty per week (4 hours per day, 5 days per week). Members on Short Term Disability (STD), Long Term Disability (LTD), WSIB benefits, or Social Services Benefits will not be eligible for strike benefits but will continue to receive their regular benefits. Strike pay is $400 per week. These amounts are non-taxable.
What about Health and Dental Benefits during a strike?
The Union through CUPE National will maintain the cost of benefit premiums so that there will be no interruption in health care benefits if our employer decides not to continue paying for them.
If there is any gap while CUPE National takes over this cost, the Union will issue reimbursements for out-of-pocket expenses that would otherwise be covered by the plan.
If I am off work on short term disability (STD) or long-term disability (LTD) prior to the strike, will I continue to be paid?
Your STD and LTD benefits will not be impacted by the strike.
What about if I am off on a WSIB claims?
Your WSIB benefits will not be impacted by the strike.
What if I have vacation booked during a strike?
This will be left up to the employer whether they honor the vacation request. You will not lose your vacation credits if the employer decides to cancel your vacation days. The union will grieve any pre-approved vacation payments that are not honored by the employer during a strike.
Does our workplace have any essential services?
No. This means all bargaining unit members have the right to participate in a work to rule campaign and to strike.
If a strike is necessary, will there be any assistance provided to ensure my mortgage lender understands?
Usually, lenders will defer payments during a legal strike for a period of time. We will have standard letters available online should a strike occur, that can be printed and presented to your lender. If your lender does not accept the letter, we ask that you contact us, and we will liaise with the team for further assistance.
Will union meeting(s) be held by the bargaining team before voting on a contract that the team recommends?
Yes. The bargaining team will present a tentative agreement prior to a general membership vote.
Has either party requested a No Board Report?
At this time neither party has called for a no board report and continue to work with a conciliator.
What is a no-board report?
If an agreement still cannot be reached, even with the help of a conciliation officer, either the union or the employer can request a ‘no-board report’ from the Ministry of Labour. Once requested, the Ministry will (typically) issue a ‘No Board Report’ within 5 days, which triggers a 17-day period before a lockout or strike is possible. We understand that no board reports may be delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
What is conciliation?
Conciliation happens when either side in bargaining (either the union or employer) asks to have conciliator appointed by the Ontario’s Ministry of Labour. Either side can request it. The conciliator assists the parties in achieving a deal. The conciliator must report to the Ministry within 14 days of being appointed, though if employer and union agree, that time can be extended.
What is the role of the Ministry of Labour Conciliator?
A conciliator or mediator is appointed by the Ministry of Labour to assist the parties in reaching a collective agreement.